The 4 Keys To Naturally Increase Testosterone

Testosterone plays a key role in a number of important functions in your body and mind. Considering that Blackridge is primarily focused on fitness, it’s no surprise that we’re quite interested in the implications of testosterone and physical performance. However, there’s much more to this hormone than muscle mass. Overall wellbeing is very closely linked to testosterone and you could argue that this is the most important factor of all. And to add a personal note, when i’m optimised for testosterone production my life is generally quite good. I’m happy, confident and recover well (i’m a simple animal…).

First, we’re going to be looking into what testosterone is and does (briefly). Then we’ll go into some ways that we can increase testosterone levels and utilise natural supplements, with the help of Dr Andrew Huberman’s advice.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced primarily in the testes in men and in smaller amounts in the ovaries and adrenal glands in women. In men it’s important for certain changes in the body such as facial hair and a deeper voice. However, it’s important for both genders from a physiological standpoint:

  • Muscle Mass: Testosterone is vital for the growth and maintenance of lean muscle mass.
  • Bone Density: It helps in the preservation of bone density and strength.
  • Mood Regulation: Testosterone affects mood and cognitive functions, helping to prevent depression and cognitive decline.
  • Libido and Sexual Function: Higher testosterone levels are associated with a healthy sex drive and optimal sexual function.
  • Energy and Vitality: Adequate testosterone levels contribute to overall energy levels and a sense of well-being.

How to increase testosterone naturally – 4 Pillars

Increasing testosterone naturally: 

Now that we understand the importance of testosterone and the factors influencing its levels, let’s explore practical strategies to naturally increase testosterone:

Eat a testosterone-friendly diet

Testosterone is heavily impacted by our diets. Here’s a brief overview of this vital connection:

  • Nutrient Intake: Certain nutrients play a pivotal role in testosterone production. For instance, zinc is essential as it helps regulate testosterone levels. Foods rich in zinc, such as lean meats, nuts, and seeds, should be incorporated into the diet. Additionally, vitamin D, found in fatty fish and fortified dairy products, supports healthy testosterone levels.
  • Healthy Fats: Dietary fats are building blocks for hormones, including testosterone. Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fatty fish like salmon and walnuts, promote hormonal balance and support testosterone production.
  • Balanced Macronutrients: Maintaining a balanced diet with an appropriate intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is essential.
  • Avoiding Excess Sugar: A diet high in refined sugars and processed carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance, which may negatively impact testosterone levels.
  • Plant-Based Compounds: Certain plant-based compounds found in foods like cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower) and soy may influence hormone metabolism and balance.

Take testosterone supplements with natural ingredients

In recent years, with the help of top scientists like Dr Andrew Huberman, natural testosterone supplements have grown in popularity. These products use a range of natural ingredients from a range of plants to boost testosterone levels without the dangers of substances like anabolic steroids. That being said, please consult a doctor before incorporating anything new into your routine, especially if you have a pre-existing health condition.

But, do they work?

Yes, BUT, that’s not to say that every product that label’s itself as a testosterone booster, please do your due diligence. Moreover, the effect on testosterone levels will vary from person to person. Personally, I’ve found natural supplements helpful. They’re backed by research and I can feel the difference in several aspects of my life…

What ingredients should I look for?

Here are some natural ingredients backed by studies: D-Aspartic Acid, Fenugreek, Tribulus Terrestris, Ashwagandha, Ginger, Zinc, Vitamin D, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Boron, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Nettle Root, Pine Pollen, Mucuna Pruriens (Velvet Bean), Ginseng.

Dr Andrew Huberman is also a big fan of Tongat Ali for testosterone production (listen to podcast here).

Our top testosterone supplement picks

AlphaTonic – The Complete Natural Testosterone Booster

To be honest, I don’t love the way this product is branded, but what I can’t argue with is the ingredients: Boron, Tongkat Ali, Ashwagandha, Fenugreek, Panax Ginseng, Maca Root, Artichoke Extract, Nettle Root, Zinc, Magnesium & Vitamin D.

As natural ingredients go, this is a star-studded cast for increasing testosterone which is why it’s our number 1 recommendation. The homepage of AlphaTonic has all of the cited studies for each ingredient in the footer if you want to delve into the science a little more.

Alpha Strength – by The New Alpha

This supplement provides two key benefits:

  • An increase in testosterone production with the use of Tongat Ali, Fenugreek, Magnesium and Zinc
  • Improved blood flow and circulation with the use of L-Citrulline & Vitamin B3 – great for healthy arteries and heart health, among other things…

Manufactured in the US, in an FDA registered, GMP Certified Facility, 100% safe and natural, 90-day guarantee.

PrimaSurge – Popular natural testosterone supplement (inc. Tongat Ali) – BUY

This product has a slightly different blend of ingredients, with a bigger focus on Ashwaganda vs other supplements in the list. Here’s what’s in each capsule:

  • Ashwagandha: helps reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and increase energy levels.
  • Safed Musli: aphrodisiac properties, supporting libido, vitality, and immune system function.
  • Shilajit Extract: provides essential minerals, boosts energy and cognitive function, and may have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Eurycoma Longifolia: can enhance libido, support testosterone levels, improve physical performance, and help manage stress.
  • Boron: Boron supports bone health, hormone regulation, cognitive function, and joint health.
  • Black Pepper Fruit Extract (Piperine): aids digestion, offers anti-inflammatory benefits, and provides antioxidant support.

Ancestral Supplements Mofo – Natural Testosterone Increase

This supplement is taking a different route with the use of animal organ nutrients. Here’s what it’s made of: New Zealand Grass Fed Testicle (Bovine), New Zealand Grass Fed Prostate (Bovine), New Zealand Grass Fed Heart (Bovine), New Zealand Grass Fed Liver (Bovine), New Zealand Grass Fed Bone Marrow (Bovine).

Many swear by this in the online space and it has over 2,000 positive reviews on Amazon.

Exercise is crucial for healthy testosterone levels

Regular exercise can significantly impact testosterone levels in several ways:

  • Muscle Mass: More muscle tissue requires more testosterone for maintenance and repair, contributing to higher testosterone levels.
  • Intensity Matters: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and heavy resistance exercises are particularly effective in elevating testosterone levels.
  • Body Fat Reduction: Lower body fat levels are associated with improved testosterone production, as excess fat can convert testosterone into estrogen.
  • Cardiovascular Health: A healthy heart and circulatory system are essential for transporting hormones, including testosterone, throughout the body efficiently.
  • Stress Reduction: Lowering stress levels helps reduce the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that can suppress testosterone production when chronically elevated.
  • Insulin Sensitivity: Exercise improves insulin sensitivity, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled blood sugar can disrupt hormonal balance, including testosterone levels.
  • Overall Well-Being: Engaging in physical activity can boost mood and mental well-being. A positive outlook on life can indirectly support healthy testosterone levels.

Sleep – the easiest thing you can do to boost your T levels

Adequate, high-quality sleep is crucial for maintaining optimal hormonal balance, including testosterone levels. Here’s a concise look at how sleep impacts testosterone:

  • Hormone Regulation: During deep sleep, the brain triggers the release of various hormones, including testosterone. Consistent, restorative sleep helps maintain proper hormonal rhythms.
  • Circadian Rhythm: Disrupted sleep patterns, such as irregular sleep-wake cycles or insufficient sleep, can disrupt the carcadian rhythm and lead to lower testosterone levels.
  • REM Sleep: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, a phase of deep sleep, appears to be particularly important for testosterone production. REM sleep is associated with increased luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion, which stimulates testosterone release.
  • Sleep Duration: Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night to support hormonal health.
  • Sleep Quality: Conditions such as sleep apnea, characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleep, can contribute to low testosterone levels.
  • Stress Reduction: Chronic stress leads to elevated cortisol, which can suppress testosterone production.

Other ways to promote healthy testosterone levels

Manage Stress

  • Practice stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness.
  • Ensure you have a healthy work-life balance.

Maintain a Healthy Weight:

  • Aim for a body fat percentage within the healthy range for your age and gender.
  • Avoid extreme caloric restriction, which can lower testosterone levels.

Limit Alcohol and Drug Use:

  • Consume alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether.
  • Steer clear of illicit drugs and anabolic steroids.

Optimize Sexual Health:

  • Engage in regular sexual activity or intimate contact with a partner to promote healthy hormone production.

To wrap up

Maintaining optimal testosterone levels is essential for overall health and well-being, regardless of your gender. By making informed lifestyle choices, such as adopting a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, managing stress, and getting adequate sleep, you can naturally increase testosterone levels and reap the numerous benefits it offers. Remember that individual results may vary, and it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle or considering any supplements. Embrace the power of natural strategies to unlock your full potential and live a healthier, happier life.

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Olly is a CIMSPA accredited personal trainer with a BSc degree in sport management from Solent University. He has over 10 years experience helping clients reach their health & fitness goals.